The Importance of Qualified Central Air Technicians

Why Hire A Pro

central air Sussex County, NJ Nothing is worse than your central air conditioning system conking out in the middle of a steamy afternoon. And certainly, there are some problems you can tackle yourself: Oftentimes the problem is a blown fuse, a dirty filter, or a thermostat setting. But for bigger problems, you should call a pro. This is not a job for an unqualified handy man you hire off an app.

If you’re looking to save money, we get it. But when it comes to servicing the HVAC equipment in your home, you don’t want to cut corners. That’s true for heating equipment as well as your AC. If fact, using a qualified central air conditioning technician will almost certainly save you money in the long run. Here’s why:

Work Done Right

Our technicians are all highly experienced. We invest in keeping their training and certifications up to date to make sure they can repair older equipment (there’s nothing they haven’t seen!) as well as technologically advanced high-efficiency systems. That means the work they do—whether it’s routine maintenance or a repair project—gets done right.

Poor workmanship results in poor and inefficient operation—which makes your energy bill higher. And bad repair jobs lead to more breakdowns and more repairs.
Professional maintenance also extends the life of your equipment, saving you the expense of replacing it.

We’re Covered, You’re Covered

When you work with a reputable company, like Bolkema, not only are the technicians experts, but we are fully insured. That means if there’s damage or someone is injured, you will be protected from liability.

We’ll provide a detailed contract that explains the scope of the work that we are doing—as well as what work we are not doing. It helps avoid misunderstandings and helps resolve any conflicts.

We’ll also give you a comprehensive estimate of what the work will cost, so there are no surprises.

Schedule Your Tune-up

Of course, the best way to save money is to schedule seasonal maintenance. Regular maintenance keeps your system running at peak efficiency, so your home stays more comfortable while using less energy and saving you money. Our technicians test air flow, inspect and clean the condenser and evaporator coil, check refrigerant lines and levels, and more. They know how to identify those small problems and fixing them before they turn into an expensive system breakdown.

Our comprehensive central air conditioning tune-ups are one reason customers love our service plans for AC systems. Your annual tune-up is included, along with discounts on repairs costs, 24-hour priority service and more, all for less than the cost of most repairs.

The Bottom Line

There’s a reason homeowners and businesses in northern New Jersey and lower New York State have trusted Bolkema with their heating and cooling needs for four generations and counting. From fuel delivery and equipment installation and repair, we are here for you.

Contact us for more information and to schedule your AC system tune-up today so you’re ready for summer.

How To Save Money on Home Heating Bills

10 Ways to Keep Cozy Without Driving Up Fuel Costs

home heating Rockland County, NJ Even with a slew of exceptionally mild temperatures this winter, home heating costs can take a bite out of your budget. But you don’t have to shiver to save money on your home heating bills!

We’ve got some energy-saving tips that will help keep your home and family warm—while keeping fuel costs under control.

10 Ways to Save Energy

  1. Get a tune-up. It’s never too late to schedule seasonal maintenance for your home heating equipment. A tune-up keeps your heating equipment running smoothly, so you’ll use less fuel to keep your home warm. Our service technicians check for and fix problems that can decrease performance and efficiency, or could lead to breakdowns, no-heat emergencies, and expensive repairs.
  2. Use your programable thermostat like a pro. Used correctly, a programmable thermostat can help you lower your home heating costs by 10% or more. Here’s how: When you’re at home and awake, set the thermostat for 68°. Lower the setting by 10° when you’re sleeping or out of the house. Smart thermostats make it even easier. They learn your heating and cooling habits, and create a schedule that matches them. Some even connect with your home automation system like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.
  3. Turn down your water heater. Most water heaters have a default setting of 140° but that’s not only dangerous, it’s also inefficient. Reducing the temperature setting to 120° will meet all your hot water needs and save as much as 10% in heating costs. When you consider that heating water—for bathing, dishwashing, laundry and more—accounts for close to 20% of your heating costs, you may want to talk to us about upgrading your water heater to a high-efficiency model that can help you save even more.
  4. Eliminate drafts. Unless you live in a brand-new home, it’s likely that as much as a third of the air in your home escapes via drafts around windows and doors. That’s like throwing money out the window—or door. Sealing up drafts with caulking, weatherstripping or expanding foam can help save you 20% or more on home heating costs.
  5. Go solar. We’re not talking about expensive solar panels. We’re talking about free heat from the sun. Leaving curtains and blinds open during the day lets the sun warm your rooms. Closing them at night helps keep the heat in. It can warm your rooms enough that you can lower your thermostat and use your boiler or furnace less.
  6. Change your filter. A dirty air filter restricts air flow, making your system work harder to heat your home—which uses more fuel and increases bills. The filter also protects your home heating equipment from dirt and dust, preventing problems that can lead to a breakdown—and an expensive repair.
  7. Reverse ceiling fans. Switch the direction of your ceiling fan in winter and run it at a low speed. The blades will gently push warm air that rises toward the ceiling back down toward floor level.
  8. Add humidity. You know how humidity can make the air feel oppressive and warmer than it is in the summer. In winter, when running your home heating system makes the air in your home feel dry, adding humidity can make it feel more comfortable, but it will also feel enough warmer that you can lower the thermostat a little bit.
  9. Try our budget plan. Our EZ Pay Budget Plan spreads your home heating costs across 12 months, so heating bills are predictable. Instead of several big bills over a few months, you’ll pay one level amount every month, even if stretches of extra-cold whether cause you to burn moil oil. Plus, EZ Pay customers receive a 10-cent discount on every gallon. We also offer a 10-cent per gallon discount when you pay your monthly bill within 10 days. For EZ Pay customers, that translates into a 20-cent per gallon discount!
  10. Invest in new equipment. If your boiler or furnace is more than 10 or 15 years old, you may see big savings by updating your equipment. A new high-efficiency boiler or furnace could lower your fuel costs by as much as 20 percent. Today’s equipment operates with improved efficiency, so you burn less fuel to keep your home warm. The same is true of your water heater. High-efficiency versions of traditional oil-fired water heaters employ improved insulation and thermal abilities to heat water and keep it hot without burning as much fuel. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand, rather than keeping a tank of water hot until you need it.

Bolkema Fuel Company Helps You Save Money

Over four generations, the team at Bolkema Fuel Company is always looking for ways to make sure it’s worth it to be our customer. From dependable fuel deliveries to great, neighborly service, we go above and beyond to make sure you’re comfortable and help you save money.

Contact us for more information.

How Much Oil Can My Heating Oil Tank Hold?

Here’s Why “Full” Isn’t Truly Full

heating oil tank If you call to request a fill up for your tank, you might want to know how much oil your heating oil tank can hold. It’s particularly helpful if you are a will-call customer, so you can know when you need to order fuel, but it can also be helpful to know what to expect on your bill.

Most homes in our area have a 275-gallon capacity heating oil tank, but it really depends on the size of your home. Other common tank sizes include 340 and 420 gallons. Not sure what size your tank you have? The size is often indicated on the side of your tank, although older models may not include that information. We should be able to confirm the size based on your service records if you’ve been a customer for any length of time.

How Full Is Full?

It’s important to know that when we “fill” your tank, we don’t fill it to its official capacity. The reason is safety: It’s important to leave space in the tank for the oil to expand as it warms up. There also needs to be room for air in the tank, as well as debris and sludge that settles at the bottom of the tank.

What that means for you is that a 275-gallon tank is usually filled to about 225 gallons. So if the gauge on your 275-gallon tank reads half full, you actually have about 110 gallons left. That’s important if you prefer to call for your heating oil deliveries. You need to keep an eye on your tank gauge—and also be aware of the weather. When we have a stretch of extreme cold, like we saw in January, you’ll use more heating oil than you would under normal conditions.

Of course, if you’re signed up for our automatic delivery service, you don’t need to worry about fill-ups or run-outs, because we take care of scheduling your heating oil deliveries.

How to Read Your Tank Gauge

Even if you are signed up for automatic delivery service, knowing how to read your oil tank gauge is a good skill to have. It’s as easy as reading the gas gauge on your car.

The heating oil tank gauge is a clear glass or plastic cube marked F, ¾, ½, ¼, with a red indicator that shows the amount of fuel left in your tank. If the marker is at the bottom of the gauge or not visible at all, your tank may be empty.

If you think there’s a problem with your gauge, give us a call. But you can also check your heating oil level manually. All you need is a six-foot long stick or dowel, and a pencil.

  • Remove the fill valve cap by turning it counterclockwise; the fill valve is the larger of the two caps on top of the oil tank.
  • Slowly insert the stick into the fill hole until the end of the stick touches the bottom of the tank.
  • Use the pencil to mark the stick where it meets the top of the fill hole.
  • Pull the stick out of the tank; the oil mark will show how full your tank is.
  • Replace the cap onto the fill valve hole, tightening until you can no longer turn it by hand.

Ready for a Delivery?

We understand you’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to heating oil dealers. There’s a reason so many of your neighbors in Bergen County and the surrounding areas choose Bolkema for all their home heating and cooling needs. We’re here for you 24/7, not just for heating oil deliveries, but for emergency repairs, maintenance, and heating and cooling equipment installations. We’ve got you covered with convenient services (like automatic delivery—and so much more!) that give you real value, not just a cheap price per gallon.

Contact us today to learn more and become a customer.

Does Heating Oil Freeze?

How to Prevent Gelling and Protect Your Equipment

heating oil Bergen County, NJ While the past few winters have been generally milder, we still get some serious cold. Just last Christmas, a bomb cyclone caused temperatures to plunge across much of the country, and the sudden increased demand for natural gas to heat homes in our area resulted in a dangerous supply problem. For homes using heating oil, supply wasn’t a problem—but the temperatures were low enough to cause fuel to freeze or gel. Since heating oil can begin to gel at 16 degrees, it isn’t all that uncommon a problem here in northern New Jersey.

What Happens When Heating Oil Gels

Unlike water, which turns to solid ice, when heating oil “freezes” it turns extremely thick and waxy. In this state, it clogs lines and filters, and your heating system shuts down. It can also cause long-term damage your system in several ways:

  • Heating oil tank — When oil gels inside your heating oil tank, the sludge settles to the bottom, shrinking available space and leaving behind less burnable oil. Eventually, that sludge will corrode your tank and eventually cause a leak.
  • Heating oil lines — Gelled oil builds on heating oil line walls, narrowing the passageway like a clogged artery. With less fuel reaching the igniter, your heating efficiency will suffer, leading to higher energy bills.
  • Atomizing nozzle — The atomizing nozzle turns liquid heating oil into a vapor that can be burned inside your heating equipment – but gelled fuel can block that nozzle, meaning that less oil will get through to convert to heat. Once again, heating efficiency suffers, leading to higher bills for you and, eventually, repairs for your heating equipment.
  • Fuel filter — As gelled oil is forced through the filter, it clogs quickly and needs more frequent replacement.

The good news is that there are ways to protect the oil in your tank from freezing.

Prevent Freezing

The best way to keep heating oil from freezing is to install your oil storage tank indoors. Here are other steps you can take to prevent your heating oil from gelling:

  • Use treated oil — Heating oil additives are designed to fight freezing and the sludge. Do not use antifreeze in your oil tank. Contact us to learn more about the best heating oil additives to prevent gelling.
  • Use blended heating oils — A mix of diesel and/or kerosene in your heating oil will lower the gel point of the heating oil. Again, ask us about how we can help with this.
  • Cover your heating oil tank — Build a shed around your heating oil tank to insulate it against the elements.
  • Bury your fuel line — If you have an aboveground heating oil line, consider burying it. The ground will naturally insulate the lines.
  • Install a wider fuel line — A wider fuel line can minimize gel blockages.

We also recommend getting regular preventive maintenance every year for your heating system. A seasonal tune-up means our technicians can identify and correct small problems caused by gelling before they can become expensive breakdowns. Ask us about our money-saving service plans, which include a tune-up every year as well as 24/7 emergency service plus discounts on repairs.

Just remember: NEVER tamper with your heating oil equipment or fuel! Leave any adjustments of your system to the expert team at Bolkema.

Ready for a Heating Oil Delivery?

We understand you’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to heating oil dealers. There’s a reason so many of your neighbors in Bergen County and the surrounding areas choose Bolkema for all their home heating and cooling needs. We’re here for you 24/7, not just for reliable heating oil deliveries, but for emergency repairs, maintenance, and heating and cooling equipment installations. We’ve got you covered with convenient services (like automatic delivery—and so much more!) that give you real value, not just a cheap price per gallon.

Contact us today to learn more and become a customer.

On-site vs. Off-site Fleet Fueling

Finding the Best Solution for Your Commercial Fleet

fleet fueling Passaic county, nj When you operate a commercial fleet, there’s very little benefit to fueling up at a retail gas station. Commercial fleet fueling will be better for your bottom line, no matter what. But, depending on the type of vehicles you’re operating and the size of your fleet, you might want to weigh your options when it comes to the benefits of on-site or off-site fleet fueling—or even setting up a bulk fueling station. The pros at Bolkema have been working with businesses across Northern New Jersey and Orange and Rockland Counties for almost a century, and we’re happy to discuss your needs and help you determine the best option for your fleet.

What’s the Difference?

Off-site fueling means you fuel your vehicles at our fueling station. It’s different than heading to a retail fuel location—a Shell or Mobil or even a discount gas station, because our fueling station is reserved for our clients, and you can enjoy a better price than retail, and better quality than the discounters. It’s a great option if you have a smaller fleet of mainly on-road vehicles.

On-site fueling means we bring a fueling truck to you and fill your vehicles at your location. That’s great for construction companies with multiple jobs at different locations, for example. Your vehicles stay on the job site, and we fill them on your schedule.

Bulk fueling is when you have a mini fueling station on your site, and we make sure you have the fuel supply you need.

What’s for You?

As with many questions, the answer depends on factors particular to your business and your needs. What are your usage patterns? How much do you spend annually on fuel? Do your vehicles use different types of fuel—on- and off-road diesel, for example, or regular gasoline?

Generally, on-site fueling and bulk gas and diesel delivery services save the most time and money. Your crews save time because they don’t need to take time off from the job to fuel up. With on-site fueling, we take care of that before or after each shift, so your teams are ready to get to work.

You also save money because you aren’t using gas to drive from jobsites to fueling locations. The cost to send your vehicles just two or three miles out of the way to fuel up really add up! Onsite delivery removes those costs. Dispatch and rout planning are also more efficient: there are no detours or extra mileage to get fuel. (And, no lost receipts, or receipts with a few snacks or a coffee added on.)

Not Strictly Business

Our fleet fueling services are designed to work for all kinds of clients. School districts and municipalities also need diesel fuels and gasoline for school buses, snowplows, fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, trucks and equipment for road repairs, commercial mowers, and equipment for maintenance of parks and public spaces, transit buses, shuttle buses, paratransit buses and more.

Want to know more about the advantages of fleet fueling? Ask any of the many commercial fleet operators in northern New Jersey and Rockland County, New York, trust Bolkema for their fleet-fueling needs. Bolkema understands the importance of a reliable source of quality gas and diesel—after all, we operate our own fleet of delivery and service trucks and need to keep them on the road to serve our customers. Or, contact us today!

Home Heating Efficiency Tips

Stay Cozy While Saving Money This Winter

home heating service Sussex county, nj Looking for ways to keep heating costs under control without spending the winter feeling chilly? The secret is energy efficiency: That means helping your equipment work better, not harder, to produce heat, and setting up your home so that heat isn’t wasted. From no cost, to low cost, to smart investments, we’ve got a slew of home heating efficiency tips and ideas to keep you comfortable and save money this winter.

Free Ways to Save Energy

  1. Turn down your water heater. Most water heaters have a default setting of 140° but that’s not only dangerous, it’s also inefficient. Reducing the temperature setting to 120° will meet all your hot water needs and save as much as 10% in heating costs. When you consider that heating water—for bathing, dishwashing, laundry and more—accounts for close to 20% of your heating costs, you may want to talk to us about upgrading your water heater to a high-efficiency model that can help you save even more.
  2. Go solar. We’re not talking about expensive solar panels. We’re talking about free heat from the sun. Leaving curtains and blinds open during the day lets the sun warm your rooms. Closing them at night helps keep the heat in. It can warm your rooms enough that you can lower your thermostat and use your boiler or furnace less.
  3. Reverse ceiling fans. Switch the direction of your ceiling fan in winter and run it at a low speed. The blades will gently push warm air that rises toward the ceiling back down toward floor level.

Spend a Little, Save a Lot

  1. Eliminate drafts. Unless you live in a brand-new home, it’s likely that as much as a third of the air in your home escapes via drafts around windows and doors. That’s like throwing money out the window—or door. A weekend of DIY projects, like sealing up drafts with caulking, weatherstripping and expanding foam, can help save you 20% or more on heating costs.
  2. Change your filter. A dirty air filter can restrict air flow, making your heating equipment work harder to heat your home. That uses more fuel and increases bills. The filter protects your heating equipment from dirt and dust, which helps prevent problems that can lead to a breakdown—and an expensive repair.
  3. Install a programmable or smart thermostat. Used correctly, a programmable thermostat can help you lower your heating costs by 10% or more. To maximize your savings, set the thermostat for 68° when you’re at home and awake—and layer up with your favorite sweater. Lower the temperature setting by 10° for the hours you’re asleep or out of the house.
  4. Get a tune-up. It’s never too late to schedule seasonal maintenance for your heating equipment. A tune-up keeps your heating equipment running smoothly, so it will use less fuel to keep your home warm. Our service technicians check for and fix problems that can decrease performance and efficiency, or that could lead to breakdowns, no-heat emergencies, and expensive repairs.

Invest in Efficiency

  1. It’s the humidity. In summer, we all know the humidity can make the air feel oppressive and warmer than it is. In winter, when running your heating system makes the air in your home feel dry, adding humidity can make it feel more comfortable. It will also make rooms feel just enough warmer that you can lower the thermostat a tad. Room humidifiers are one option, but they require attention and constant refilling. Bolkema installs and repairs whole-house humidifiers and air cleaners from Carrier and Aprilaire that will help you stay comfortable without the fuss.
  2. Upgrade your heating equipment. Well-maintained systems can last for 20 years, but even with regular maintenance, efficiency declines over time. A new heating system is an investment, but upgrading to new high-efficiency equipment can drastically cut energy costs, while improving your comfort. Bolkema’s pros can help you choose the best equipment for your needs and your budget.

More Ways to Save

We’re always looking for ways to help you keep costs under control—including our budget plan, that spreads your heating costs evenly over 12 months, eliminating those spiking winter bills. We also price protection plan you can sign up for in the fall that locks in your per-gallon price for heating oil. And if you are having trouble with your bills, let us know: we’ll work with you.

Contact us today for information on a tune-up, new equipment, or to schedule a delivery.

Do You Need to Replace Your Heating Oil Tank?

4 Signs Your Oil Tank Is Ready to Retire

oil tank service Rockland, nj Heating oil tanks are built like, well, tanks. That is, they’re built to last a long time, and they’re fairly low-maintenance—so you probably haven’t thought much about replacing your heating oil storage tank, except to make sure it’s not empty. But eventually, they do need to be replaced.

What’s the Lifespan of Your Oil Tank?

So how long should your oil storage tank last—and when should you think about getting a new one? The honest answer is “it depends.” A variety of factors can influence the lifespan of your heating oil tank: age, maintenance, construction.

The good news is that modern heating oil storage tanks have come a long way from designs of the past, offering virtually leak-proof performance for decades. Here’s what you need to consider:

Age If your tank is less than 15 years old, you’re probably ok for a few more years. If you don’t know when your tank was installed, and your home was built before 2000, it’s probably time to replace your tank.

Construction Older tanks are made of steel and can be of single- or double-walled construction. In addition, the steel can be different gauges or thicknesses. Thicker, double walls are better. Also, the location of the connector valve can make a difference. Connectors at the bottom of the tank (instead of the side) last longer. Newer tanks are made from plastic and fiberglass and are designed to last 50 years or more.

Steel tanks are still available today, but they are built to a much higher standard than in the past. Using alternative construction materials such as fiberglass and polyethylene for the inner lining of double-walled tanks make them virtually leak-proof.

Maintenance Tanks left empty over the summer are prone to condensation build-up, which can lead to rust. Sediment at the bottom of the tank can also result in corrosion. All that damage happens from the inside out, so if you see rust or seepage on the outside of your tank, you need to act fast to avoid a costly leak and spill. Consider having a professional inspection every year—and ask us about our oil tank insurance plans.

As your tank approaches the 30-year mark, you should start keeping an eye out for the warning signals that it’s hitting the end of its lifespan. Here are the telltale signs that your heating oil tank is leaking—or could start soon.

  1. Damp Spots: The first sign your oil tank is leaking is a damp spot on the tank. Usually, they will appear on the underside of your tank or along the seam at the bottom of the tank. As the leak gets worse, oil will travel up the side of the tank.
  2. Paint Problems: Blistering in the paint on the underside of the tank is a sign the tank is compromised. Condensation on the outside of the tank, even after a delivery, is also a warning sign.
  3. Sticky Drips: If the leak goes undetected, black icicle-like deposits or sticky drips will form on the underside of the tank. You may or may not notice an oil smell.
  4. Floor Stains: Reddish black spots will appear on the floor underneath the area. Depending on how long the leak goes undetected, an oil stain will begin to develop on the floor.

The Bottom Line

Waiting until your tank fails is not the best way to find out it’s time to replace it. The hassle and expense of remediating an oil spill is a lot bigger than the cost of simply replacing an aging tank.

If you think it’s time to replace your tank, contact the pros at Bolkema today to learn more about expert oil tank removal and replacement–and reliable heating oil deliveries in Northern New Jersey and lower New York State, too. For details, contact us today.

Common Heating Oil Delivery Questions

A Full-Service Heating Oil Company Makes Winter Fill-ups Easy

heating oil delivery bergen county, nj When you’re enjoying the golden days of September, winter weather seems far off. But before you know it, there will be a crispness in the air. It’s never too early to make sure you have a reliable company for heating oil delivery before the cold weather sets in. If you haven’t given much thought to the benefits of a having a full-service heating company, now is a great time to learn how Bolkema can make winter fill-ups hassle-free.

Here are the questions you should be thinking about—and the answers to make heating oil delivery easy.

How many heating oil deliveries will I need? The number of heating oil deliveries you’d need in a winter would depend on two main factors: the size of your tank and the weather. The colder it is, the more heating oil you will burn, although more efficient equipment combined with a well-sealed and insulated home will use less fuel. As a general rule of thumb, a 275-gallon tank will last between a month and six weeks, depending on how cold it is. That’s for a 2000-square foot home with a 275-gallon tank, but it should be about the same timing for a larger home with a larger tank.

How do I know when I need a delivery? If you like to call to schedule your heating oil deliveries, you should let us know when your tank is at about 25% or a quarter full. That ensures we have time to dispatch your delivery before you run out of fuel. That means you need to check the gauge on your heating oil tank regularly, and more often during extra cold weather. If you forget, and order when your tank is empty or almost empty, an emergency fill-up will cost extra. Plus, you run the risk of losing your heat—which can lead to frozen pipes and more expensive repairs.
Or, you can enroll in convenient automatic delivery service.

What is automatic delivery? Automatic delivery is exactly what it sounds like: We automatically deliver heating oil when you need it. It’s a free service that we offer our customers. It makes your life easier, and helps us too: We can plan delivery routes efficiently, which helps us keep our costs down and our trucks on time.

How does automatic delivery work? Automatic delivery is designed to make your life easier. We use a proven system based on your typical usage and the weather to know when you will need a heating oil delivery. If there’s been a stretch of serious cold, or if there’s a big storm in the forecast, we adjust our delivery schedule to make sure none of our customers run out of heating oil.

How do I need to prepare for a heating oil delivery? Our delivery drivers really appreciate it when you keep a path open to your fill pipe, especially after a big snow. It’s important to make sure your fill pipe is unobstructed year-round, so always clear fallen branches and leaves, and take a few extra minutes to shovel a path to your pipe. Also, don’t forget to secure pets on delivery days. This is for safety’s sake as much as making our drivers’ job a little easier.

Need A Heating Oil Delivery?

We understand you’ve got a lot of choices when it comes to heating oil dealers. There’s a reason so many of your neighbors in Bergen County and the surrounding areas choose Bolkema for all their home heating and cooling needs. We’re here for you 24/7, not just for heating oil deliveries, but for emergency repairs, maintenance, and heating and cooling equipment installations. We’ve got you covered with convenient services (like automatic deliver—and so much more!) that give you real value, not just a cheap price per gallon.

Contact us today to learn more and become a customer.

Troubleshooting Your Central Air System

Have You Changed the Filters in Your Central AC Lately?

central air repair Bergen county, nj When summer temperatures start to rise—or when the humidity settles in—the last thing you want is to hear a funny noise or notice a dripping from your central air conditioner. We all count on our AC systems to keep comfortable, so a cooling equipment problem can be a big deal. The good news is that some common problems are easy to fix yourself, although others require a qualified technician.

Our troubleshooting steps can help you keep your cool, whether it’s an easy DIY fix or something for the pros.

  1. It won’t turn on. Start by checking that you haven’t blown a fuse or tripped the circuit breaker. If that isn’t the problem, it could be your thermostat is not set correctly or it may not be calibrated properly. Consult the manual for your thermostat and try setting your thermostat to the lowest setting. If your AC doesn’t kick in, you’ll need to call us.
  2. Low flow. If the flow of air from your A/C vents feels weak or irregular, there may be something obstructing the airflow. Have you changed your filters lately? If new filters don’t help, give us a call.
  3. Constant system cycling. If your system is constantly turning on and off, it means it’s having trouble keeping up. One cause could be that your cooling system isn’t big enough for your home. Another cause could be a mechanical problem. Either way, constant cycling on and off will wear the system out quickly and lead to a breakdown. You’ll need to have a service technician take a look.
  4. Noticeably higher bills. With energy prices higher this season, you’re bills may be higher no matter what. But older equipment that’s less efficient will have to work harder—and that will knock energy costs up even more.
  5. Clicking or humming sounds. This can be a sign of a capacitor problem. Capacitors are help start and run your A/C, and when they malfunction, it can result in damage to your compressor or other parts. Checking and replacing capacitors is definitely a job for the pros.
  6. Leaking compressor. Drain lines can become clogged with dirt and algae, resulting in water backing up and damaging internal parts of your cooling system. If you notice water leaking from your compressor, call us, pronto.
  7. Warm air coming from your vents. If the air flowing from your vents is warm, check for ice crystals on your A/C’s evaporator coils, it’s a sure sign of a refrigerant leak. Miniscule leaks are not unusual, and our technicians check for and repair them when they do seasonal maintenance. A leak resulting in in warm air and ice crystals indicates a bigger problem and we need to check it out.

Of course, the best way to avoid a major A/C meltdown is to schedule seasonal maintenance. Regular maintenance keeps your system running at peak efficiency, so your home stays cooler while saving you money. Our technicians are skilled at catching small problems and fixing them before they lead to an expensive system breakdown. Ask about our cooling system service plans: They include seasonal maintenance, priority service if you do need a repair, plus a discount on parts and labor.

And, if you do have a problem you can’t—or don’t want to—tackle yourself, we’re at your service. Our trained techs will find the root of the issue and address it completely the first time. Contact us for more information today.

What’s the Best Thermostat Setting for Summer?

We’ve Got the Magic Number to Help You Keep Your Cool

summer home temp Sussex county, nj This time of year, our service techs are busy doing AC system tune-ups to help make sure customers are ready for that first stretch of hot weather. And one of the most common questions they get is about the best thermostat setting for your central AC to keep your home comfortable without jacking up energy bills.

The short answer is to keep your thermostat set at 78 degrees. But there’s more to know about how to keep cool and comfortable all summer, while saving energy and keeping bills manageable.

Why 78? The smaller the difference between your indoor and outdoor temperature, the lower your cooling bill will be. That temperature may seem high, but keep in mind that the humidity plays a big part in how uncomfortable you feel when it’s hot. Setting your thermostat higher and reducing the humidity in your home will make a big difference.

Setting your thermostat for 10 degrees warmer when you’re not home will help lower your cooling bills even more. And, with a programable thermostat, you can set your thermostat to lower the temperature a half hour before you get home. If you have pets at home, you may want to set it only five degrees warmer.

Smart Thermostats Are Cool

The technology behind smart thermostats mean you can adjust your thermostat from anywhere using an app on your phone. So if you’re heading home earlier than usual, or you don’t have a regular schedule, you can adjust your thermostat remotely when you’re a half hour from home, or a half hour before the kids get home.

When you use a smart thermostat to raise the AC when you leave the house and turn it back down in time to make the house comfortable by the time you to get home, you may be able to cut cooling costs by as much as 10%, according to the United States Department of Energy. You can earn similar savings when you use it to control your heat in the winter.

More Cool Tools

Keeping the heat out of your house in the first place will mean you won’t feel the need to blast the AC. There are some easy ways to do that. Closing blinds during the day means the sun can heat up your rooms. (Keep them open during the winter to warm up!) Avoid using the stove and oven, and running appliances like washers and dryers during the day. Summer is for grilling, after all!

If you have ceiling fans, they will help keep cool air down where you are. And a dehumidifier will help eliminate excess moisture in your home, which will make you feel less sticky and more comfortable.

Don’t Forget a Tune-up

A professional tune-up from Bolkema ensures your system will operate at peak efficiency—which goes a long way to keeping energy costs down, too. A tune-up will also catch and correct small problems like a blocked drain line that can lead to bigger, more expensive problems. Have a service plan with us? Your tune-up is included!

Ready for a new AC? Need a repair? Find out why so many of your neighbors across northern New Jersey and lower New York State trust us for heating and air conditioning services and so much more. Contact us today.